Friday, March 12, 2010

Updates and Sad Faces

Let's get the bad things out of the way first, shall we?

So, I really thought that hotseat thing would be fun. I thought people would have tons of questions. I thought, even if there weren't tons of questions, there would at least be a few and they would probably be really good ones. Know how many questions I got?


That's right, not a single question. Not. Even. One. Not even the much asked and only answered to certain people "Did Alice/Jasper hear Edward?" Not even "What makes Alice tick? Why is she such a bitch? Why does she seem to thrill at the concept of hurting Edward?" Not even the obvious "Did she ever really love him?" Hell, not even the super obvious "Does she actually love Jasper or is she using him like she did Edward?"

Not a single. Fucking. Question.

Not gonna lie - I'm really goddamn bummed by that. Really goddamn bummed. Maybe you have to be as popular as the queens of the Jalice fandom to pull something like that off. Maybe I'm aspiring to too much, being such a tiny zooplankton in such a giant pond. Who knows? At this point though, I just have one question left...

So, now that we're past the "Sad Faces" portion of this post, let's discuss some updates, shall we?

If you're following me on Twitter (which you should be :P I'm RLStoli, in case you were wondering), you probably already know what I've been up to. A couple days ago, I sat down and dragged Namsper/Nommysper/Alice's soldier out of his little hidey hole and made him write a letter to his girl. She, in turn, immediately wrote one back. If you haven't yet caught on - I wrote a couple chapters for Go Ask Alice, so I think it would be safe you can expect an update before the end of the month. Why so long out? I'm hoping to write a few more chapters/letters before I go ahead and update. I promise, though, March will not end without at least one GAA update.

Something you might not know, even if you are following me on Twitter, is that I've also been hard at work on several chapters of I Have Seen the Rain. Don't go holding your breath for an imminent update though - the chapters aren't cohesive quite yet. And by "not cohesive," I mean I've written points A through E (get it? A - Alice, E - Edward. Ha. Didn't even do that on purpose) and J through R (don't tell me you missed that one), but there's no connect between E and J (*giggle*) yet. I'm working on it though - I promise. As I told my Twitter friends, I played silly stereotype Wednesday afternoon and sat in a Starbucks, drinking a tea I could barely pronounce and writing in public for about an hour. Got a surprising amount done, too. Might even say I got half of F written. (Sorry, no tie-in there.) I figure I'll try to make a habit of that. Sound like a plan to you all? Sounds like a plan to me. Though I may have to cut back to teas I can pronounce, given the whole sucky unemployed thing. Hopefully it isn't the tea that gets the creative juices flowing (Does that sound as disgusting to you all as it does to me?)

*looks around* You're still here? It's over. Go home.

Yes, I stole that from Ferris Bueler's Day Off. But seriously, I'm done. No more. Get gone. :P


  1. sorry KIM I SUCK! *giggles*

    but YAY for updates I loves you


    also, *squee bounce in anticipation of updates*

    ANNNNNNNND You most likely had Tazo Tea, can't pronounce it either and I worked at starbucks for 3 years! But I has some of their Passion tea and I can totes send some to you if it helps get your juices flowing *snickers*

    and one last note *rolls out sleeping bag* I'm staying :P

  3. a) Robin, you do not suck. At least not in a way anyone objects to.

    b) Okay, K, who do you have questions for? We'll have us a little mulligan of sorts on the hotseat. Just for you. AND ANNA!!!! *glares playfully at her* lol

  4. Umm all of the above *shifty eyes*

  5. Awwww Kim :( I feel like the worst friend ever :( your post made me cry. (well almost) I'm so sorry I totally suck :( I have no excuses (maybe that i haven't asked anything from Robs' and K's characters either... I know I suck even more) :( So is it MSGAlice?
    and where cal i send questions? I promise I will. God I feel so awful now :( forgive me?

    also: YAY for the updates!! I think i knew you wrote some IHSTR :) or was it just me hoping? lol i don't know :D anyway, I can't wait to read the updates (whenever you post them, I'm no impatient, you know... and i don't have time for reading atm anyway)

    Ohh btw just so you know I'm coming home from America on the 1st September (+/- 3 days), so if you still want to drive hours to meet me it should be sometime between aug. 16 and sep. 1.

    *hugs* sorry again bb :( i<3u

  6. Oh, you [Olivia]. You're not the worst friend ever. Seriously, don't beat yourself up about it. It's just a little game, right? No biggie. I don't know who it's going to be yet. The most recent post has a poll in it to see who it should be. Your options are MSGlice, Hippilice and Namsper, and you send any and all questions to :) Oh, and there's no need for me to forgive you, since you didn't do anything wrong. But if it'll make you feel better, yes, yes I do forgive you. lol

    You probably did know I worked on it. You're usually really attentive to my Twitter jabber. lol

    16 August and 1 September. Got it. And of course I still want to drive hours to meet you, silly girl. :P
