Sunday, March 28, 2010

Check It Out Now

*dances* The funk soul brother... Right about now, the funk soul brother...

Okay, enough retro Fatboy Slim.

Did ya see? Did ya see?! Of course you saw, you're already here!

I just wanted to brag to the world about the awesomeness that is the new color scheme and loveliness of this here blog. And it's all thanks to my dear, darling friend Anna! Take a bow, Anna! *poke* I said bow, dammit. :P

Aside from the braggery, I figured it might be a good idea to remind you all that you only have 24 hours (Damn, my timing is good!) until the hotseat with Alice from The Coldest Story Ever Told closes. Don't forget to get your questions in! I got some really good ones - including the one I was waiting with bated breath for - but it can't hurt to get some more, right? :)

Oh, and one other thing... If you're still reading, I have a surprise for you... Maybe two.

1) Sometime in the next week or two, there will be at least one if not two updates to Go Ask Alice.
2) I may or may not have an I Have Seen the Rain teaser for you - a treat for being such patient and awesome people. Want it? It's not the next chapter. I tried to get a teaser from next chapter, but there's not enough of it for a decent teaser yet. That said, still want it? Okay then. Here ya go...

His teeth grazed my skin and I felt his lips curve into a smile against my throat as I gasped at the feeling. His fingers played with the hem of my shirt, working their way up under it, as he kissed down my neck. I arched my back against him, silently pleading for him to just get rid of the shirt, tear it off if he wanted, instead of playing underneath it. And when he didn’t listen, I took matters into my own hands.

Decent teaser? I hope it is. I know a few of you - and by "a few," I mean "almost every one of you" - have been hinting at me for chapters upon chapters for something of that ilk. Well, there you have it. Dirtiness. Dirtiness that may or may not lead into raunchiness... which may or may not lead into the second full-on lemon I've ever written. Rumor has it it's hot. I'm hoping that rumor is true.

Long story short, I want three things from you:
1) Questions for Alice if you've got 'em
2) Your opinion on the awesome new layout, even if you disagree with the awesome (Anna can take it - she's a big girl)
3) Your opinion on the teaser

Think you can handle that? I think you can. I have faith in you. ;)


  1. Iz in ur blog writng teh comments.

    1) Dear TCSETlice, do you consider yourself redeemable? Why or why not? (Is that a good question, bb? LOL)

    2) <333 the layout Anna!

    3) Why can't they just dew eet?!?! hehe I know that when the time comes it will be lovely bb! Thx for the teaser!

    <3 and mwa!!!

  2. the layout is awesome, but i saw it before you (well not exactly like this, but i liked it like that too :P )
    The teaset? Damn.. you spend too much time with Robs and K (maybe you should not share their collective breain...) that teaser was too good. and by to i mean Ohh shit is it over? when can i get the next parts? I WANT more!!!! :DDD all in all i was hot!! and if it gets hotter, then the rumour must be true :)
    what else? ohh the questions... they are on the way!! (well not yet, but in a few)
    hugs and kisses
