Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hotseat 1, Take 2

Now this is the story all about how my poll got fucked, turned upside down. I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there. I'll tell you how I outsmarted some bitch from Bel-Air...

Someone - I know who you are; don't think I don't - tried to stack the hotseat poll tonight. Lovely, no? How very sweet and honest of them. The great part is that all their THIRTY-TWO votes came in more than ten minutes after the poll was due to close, and I just so happen to know who was in the landslide lead at midnight. So, it is with a clear conscience and a happy smile that I throw out those bullshit votes and announce that the first person to appear in the hotseat will officially be... *drumroll*...

Everyone's favorite hippie, Alice from I Have Seen the Rain and Go Ask Alice!

Got a question for the darling little flowerchild? Now's your chance! Anything goes! (Though I'll censor her a touch on spoiler-y answers. ;))

If you're following me on Twitter, I finally shut the text alerts for DMs off, so feel free to DM me questions. If you're not, you can leave them in a comment here or email them to Makkitotosimew@live.com.

Don't forget - You've only got until Friday, 19 March at midnight EST to send them in! That's less than four days! Hop to it before you forget to ask! *looks pointedly at Anna* Kidding! You know I love you, Annabelle. ;) But seriously! Send questions! I promise (almost) no holds barred adorableness and hilarity in response!

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