Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hotseat 1

Alright ladies and gent (I know you're reading this, Fen! :P), the poll is closed and it's time to start this shiz for real.

I'm a little disappointed that only four people voted and I know who they all are... save for one, who I suspect may have been a revote, but whatever, I'll get over it.

The winner for this round and the first to have her ass fried in the hotseat is...

Everyone's favorite (I hope) bitch/slut/whatever bad thing you wanna call her that will probably and unfortunately upset Robs (love you!!!!).... Alice from The Coldest Story Ever Told!!

So prepare your questions - I know you have a hundred of them (please, for the love of Jasper, have a hundred of them) - and send them off to Remember, anything goes except spoilers. That means you, Molly. :P

I'll take questions through next Wednesday (10 March 2010) at midnight EST. Any later than that and... well, you'll probably still get an answer, but *shakes finger* I won't be happy about asking her. :P

Ready... set... fire away, bbz!

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