Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hotseat 2

Seems we're on a roll with this hotseat thing, ladies! I actually got questions last week, got them all answered (satisfactorily, I hope. If not, bite me. *shifty eyes* Alice said it.), and we even got 150% of the votes we got last time! Sure, that's only six as opposed to four, but hey, baby steps, right? :)

So! Without further ado, let's discover the less-than-surprising result of the second hotseat poll, shall we? Drumroll please....

This week's hotseat victim is...

Alice from The Coldest Story Ever Told.

Looks like you're getting a second shot at her, ladies! *resists urge to make corny OMS jokes* I know you have questions *narrows eyes at Anna* (I kid, I kid, you know I love you), so get to writin' 'em down and sendin' 'em in!

I doubt you've forgotten how this works in the past week, but just in case, here ya go:
1) You email your questions to or DM them to me on Twitter.
2) I read, go "ooh" and "ahh" and "Wow, I never would've thought to ask that!" and forward them to that good-intentioned (stop laughing), sweet (stop laughing), innocent little --- Okay, who the fuck am I kidding? I ask my dear, conniving, bitchy Alice for answers.
3) I type like mad.
4) I get more last-minute questions.
5) Repeat steps two and three.
6) I post the answers as soon as possible.
7) You read and go "ooh" and "ahh" and "Damn! I forgot to ask _____!"
8) We start all over again.

Now let's talk about some deadlines, shall we? I'm thinkin' Friday, since I tend to give a crapton of time for you to choose things... but... I'm a generous h00r (yeah, yeah, bring on the slut jokes) so I'll give you until Monday, 29 March 2010. Know what time it ends? That's right! You guessed it! Midnight EST. You're such clever ladies. *coddles you all*

So, you have your victim, your mission and your deadline -- hop to! ♥

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