Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Namsper Hotseat News

Okay, I know y'all are getting impatient, and I can't in the least say I blame you - I'd be impatient as fuck if I were in your shoes too... but... I have to ask you to be even a little bit more patient with me than you already have been. Real life is kind of kicking me in the ass lately. Sure, one of those kicks to my fat ass is that it gave me a job (a short term, low-paying one, alas), but that means less time at home on the computer, doing what I like. And the other kicks aren't nearly as awesome as the job (ie - medical issues I'm sure you don't want to hear me bitch about).

So! Here's the deal. If you can just bear with me until I get the answers posted - which I am really hoping to get to tomorrow (oh crap, technically today) - the next hotseat we'll do as a wild card. Any character, any question. Look at it as a good chance to ask Alice from The Coldest Story Ever Told (and now The Other Side of Me) all those questions you didn't think of without having her side of things. Or maybe you have a question or two for Edward - any of them! lol Rumor has it there are even questions for Rosalie and Emmett from I Have Seen the Rain. (Now those I'd be really interested to see. Just don't ask me if he dies. I ain't tellin'. :P)

So there you have it - a little update on why I'm so fail lately and my solemn word to let you ask anything and everything next time as a thank you for putting up with the aforementioned fail. Who loves ya? That's right - I love ya. Like Kel loves orange soda, I do, I do, I do-ooh. And I don't care how fucking weird that sounds to any of you. It's true. (And Kel was boss, don't deny it.)

Oh! Just out of curiosity - not an official poll, of course - but who are you most looking forward to asking things of in the hotseat free-for-all? I'm intrigued to see what's been plaguing your minds and eating at your consciences. *rubs hands together evilly* hehe

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