Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hotseat Fail

So it's a little after midnight... Closing time. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. But enough '90s nostalgia - on to the hotseat free-for-all...

Oh wait. I only have one question. Not much of a hotseat at all, is it? *sigh* Shall we have another go at this?

Free-for-all, ladies. Anyone you want, any question you want. In the spirit of begging you all for more questions, no limit on who or how many questions. Have at 'em. All of 'em. Hell, have at me if you like. (Not like that, Robin. *playful scowl* Okay, but only for you.)

You know the drill. Put 'em in the comments section, DM them to me on Twitter, or email them to me at I'll give you ample time this time, just to make sure there's time for K to come down from her bitchiness. :P (You know I love you. And you just said the bitch thing yourself, so...) How about we end this shiznit next Friday? May 6th? Y/y? Y.

Do it up, ladies! :-*


  1. really didnt pimp this out too much on least not that I saw. I may or may not have been distracted through most of the day. XD

  2. Omigod. Yer on my blog. When the Hale did that happen? I did not see that coming. lol

    I didn't pimp it out much because almost everyone who tends to contribute to this stuff already knows what's coming and when, because I talk to them on a daily basis. They can't get rid of me. Mwahaha!

    And it's not like you're about to contribute anyhow. You haven't read mah shiznit... have you? o.O

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay. You effing Rock. Eff me sideways and 17 ways from sunday right now. Just finished TCSET. *shaking head* I think you need a spanking. Wow. ok. on to TOSOM.

  5. Sideways AND seventeen ways from Sunday? How flexible do you think I am, man?! lol

    *giggles* Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. *wide and overly dramatic eye roll*

    I flexible does years of ballet and figure skating leave one?

    *leaning forward; legs crossed at the knee*

    no; flexible?


  7. Less flexible than one should be, since one hasn't done either in nearly a decade. *chuckles* One should really be getting into yoga or something to fix that.

    Also: The fuck, people?! Again with the no questions? *sighs and waves white flag* I give up.
