Friday, February 26, 2010

So, I got permission from my incredible, lovely, unfailingly kind (yes, I'm kissing some ass, so what?) friends K and Robs (you may know them as Calin-Durus and Kirmit or Alsper) to hijack their character hotseat whatchajingy. If you're not following them, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so, here's the deal:

You all (however many or few of you there are) are going to pick a character of mine to ask any and all questions you have. Majority rules on the character choice, and the only rule is that I will not let them answer anything that gives major plot spoilers. Sound like fun? I hope so.

So... Who's it gonna be this week, ladies and possible gents?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How's About a Little Mood Music?

If you're my "friend" on LiveJournal, you may well have seen this already, but I figure I should be fair and post it somewhere everyone can see.

If you read my stories, you should be almost painfully aware that everything in my life gets associated with music somehow. Almost all of my stories are named after song lyrics, every chapter in I Have Seen the Rain references at least one song, and half my first chapter author's notes include something about a certain song pairing well with what you're about to read. Given all of that, it should come as no surprise to you all that I, like many authors, have playlists for all my characters. I figure it's high time I share them with my readers.

Since I Have Seen the Rain's playlist is pretty obvious, I thought I'd start with something slightly less predictable - The Coldest Story Ever Told. So, without further ado, the music that makes my characters smile, cry, and want to throw things.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

The truly great thing about these playlists is that I can keep updating them, and they should update on here without me having to even touch the page. So don't write them off entirely after one listen - once the sequel's ready for publication, there may well be several more songs on each list, especially Alice's and Jasper's.

Oh, and, for the record, I know Edward's playlist is a little girly. Leave the man alone. He has a lot of emotions to work through. :P

Good Morning, Starshine! The Earth Says Hello!

First things first – yes, I stole the title of this post from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What of it? :P

Now that that’s out of the way – Hello! If you’re here, you’re probably either reading my stories or following me on Twitter. Hell, maybe you’re doing both! That’d be kinda sweet, not gonna lie. Anywho! If you’re doing either of those, you already know how I enjoy me a good bandwagon, so I just had to jump on the BlogSpot one. (Actually, I had a brief stint on the WordPress bandwagon before this, but they won't let me use Flash. Poo on no Flash.)

Let’s get a little business out of the way before we have some fun, shall we? Aside from the aforementioned bandwagon thing, the main purposes of me getting this here blog thingy are as follows:
1) to keep my readers updated in how my writing is progressing so they aren’t stuck with seven months of absolute nothingness before suddenly being flooded with updates
2) to have a place to put random crap about my stories (playlists, character profiles, etc) that people might be interested in
3) to avoid LiveJournal’s confusing setup like the plague
4) to steal K and Robs’s “hot seat” creation *evil giggle*

At present, I am the author of five stories:
1) Words Left Unspoken – ExB, o/s. Don’t hold your sweet breath, there’s not a chance in hell of it being expanded. Not unless the sequel is called Heartbreak Hotel or something similar.
2) Time After Time – ExB, o/s. I want to expand it, but don’t know if it’ll happen or not.
3) The Coldest Story Ever Told – ExA (don’t look at me like that), o/s. A sequel is in the works, but don’t ask when it’ll be posted, because I have no idea.
4) I Have Seen the Rain – ExB, multi-chapter. The first thing I ever wrote and the story I’m best known for (which really says nothing, since I’m still plankton in this giant fanfic ocean).
5) Go Ask Alice – AxJ, multi-chapter. The companion tale to I Have Seen the Rain.

That said, there are numerous things I am working on, including…

1) I Have Seen the Rain – There’s a lot left to come, people! :)
2) Go Ask Alice – See above. lol

1) The Coldest Story Ever Told – Don’t tell me you didn’t have questions at the end. ;)
2) Time After Time

New stories!:
1) Resistance
2) In Another Life
3) a possible collaboration with the dynamic duo commonly known as Alsper

So… There you have it. I have not given up. I have not died. I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I am, in fact, alive, mostly well, and still writing. I hope the same can be said for all of you.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Call 1-800-IRJDGAF (I Really Just Don’t Give a Fuck. :P) Kidding! Leave a comment. Responses are almost guaranteed to be swift and informative, as I have no life these days. hehe