Friday, June 25, 2010

Check it... New shiz

So, uh... in case you missed it... I dun wrote sumthin' new.

If you liked The Other Side of Me, you might enjoy it. Or if you ship Alice/Emmett. (And if you do, I still love you, but I have to say... What. The. Fuck?! Seriously? Even writing that, all I could think was the dude would break the poor girl in two! I mean, I assume Jasper's packin' - call it my own perverse need to assume Jackson is - but Em's a gorram giant! Poor little Alice wouldn't even be able to stand afterward!)

In other news...
- Worked a little on I Have Seen the Rain. Hoping to get somewhere with that and have a new chapter up by the time I leave for Colorado (mid-August). Cross your fingers for me, would ya?
- Still working on Resistance. Might have to post a teaser or something at some point, just to see what people think.
- Working on yet another something new (I know, I know!). Not even gonna lie, I don't want to be working on it. But, as Robs can attest to, it's legit haunting me. To the point that I can't even enjoy the quiet time at the end of my yoga class without characters talking. Hell, I woke up three times last night because one of them wouldn't stop talking and it kept messing with my dreams. Right now, the plan is to get it the hell out of my head. Maybe I'll post it, maybe I won't. We shall see.

Now that that's out of the way... mind doing me a teeny favor? In one way or another, I've put pictures of Alice, Edward, Jasper and Bella from The Coldest Story Ever Told/The Other Side of Me, but Love the Way You Lie is really the first opportunity we've had to see Emmett beyond a mention here or there. So who do you see when you read him? My guess is a lot of you *cough*Annabelle*cough* would say Kellan without a second thought, and that's cool, he's almost always Emmett in my head. So... instead of just giving me a name, give me a picture. Show me your Emmett. Well, your... my Emmett... Eh, you know what I mean. Hook a girl up with some eye candy. ;)

PS - If you're wondering where I got the title for the outtake, quelle surprise, it's a song. <-- That song, to be specific. Not what you'd expect from me, but at least it's not Kanye or Hannah Montana this time. lol

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