Friday, June 25, 2010

Check it... New shiz

So, uh... in case you missed it... I dun wrote sumthin' new.

If you liked The Other Side of Me, you might enjoy it. Or if you ship Alice/Emmett. (And if you do, I still love you, but I have to say... What. The. Fuck?! Seriously? Even writing that, all I could think was the dude would break the poor girl in two! I mean, I assume Jasper's packin' - call it my own perverse need to assume Jackson is - but Em's a gorram giant! Poor little Alice wouldn't even be able to stand afterward!)

In other news...
- Worked a little on I Have Seen the Rain. Hoping to get somewhere with that and have a new chapter up by the time I leave for Colorado (mid-August). Cross your fingers for me, would ya?
- Still working on Resistance. Might have to post a teaser or something at some point, just to see what people think.
- Working on yet another something new (I know, I know!). Not even gonna lie, I don't want to be working on it. But, as Robs can attest to, it's legit haunting me. To the point that I can't even enjoy the quiet time at the end of my yoga class without characters talking. Hell, I woke up three times last night because one of them wouldn't stop talking and it kept messing with my dreams. Right now, the plan is to get it the hell out of my head. Maybe I'll post it, maybe I won't. We shall see.

Now that that's out of the way... mind doing me a teeny favor? In one way or another, I've put pictures of Alice, Edward, Jasper and Bella from The Coldest Story Ever Told/The Other Side of Me, but Love the Way You Lie is really the first opportunity we've had to see Emmett beyond a mention here or there. So who do you see when you read him? My guess is a lot of you *cough*Annabelle*cough* would say Kellan without a second thought, and that's cool, he's almost always Emmett in my head. So... instead of just giving me a name, give me a picture. Show me your Emmett. Well, your... my Emmett... Eh, you know what I mean. Hook a girl up with some eye candy. ;)

PS - If you're wondering where I got the title for the outtake, quelle surprise, it's a song. <-- That song, to be specific. Not what you'd expect from me, but at least it's not Kanye or Hannah Montana this time. lol

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blog? What's a blog?

So here's the deal, ladies and germs - I have this little thing called a "blog," but I'm too stupid to remember to update it from time to time. *insert epic face-palm of doom here* Therefore you now get a completely random post that will serve as my feeble attempt to answer all the questions I've gotten and let you know where things stand. So here goes nothin'...

  • Q. Where the Hale have you been?!
    A. The same place I've always been, Pinky, just a lot more scatterbrained.
  • Q. Why hasn't I Have Seen the Rain updated since the beginning of the year? You promised no seven months of nothingness this time!
    A. I know I promised. That was stupid and uncharacteristically optimistic of me. As for why it hasn't updated, same reason most fics stop updating - epic fucking writer's block. I swear to you, I have not given up on I Have Seen the Rain or Go Ask Alice. I still have every intention of completing them both. It's just going to take longer than I'd hoped/expected.
  • Q. Why'd you bother writing The Other Side of Me? It ruined The Coldest Story Ever Told's Alice forever!
    A. Sorry you feel that way, but with all due respect, eat me. I'm proud of both of those stories and I'll never please everyone, so please don't expect me to try. (Hell, both of those stories upset one of the most important people to me and I'm still not running off to take them down or change them. She understands.) That said, thank you for being honest with me about what you thought. I value all feedback on my work, even the feedback I'm not terribly fond of.
  • Q. I loved The Other Side of Me. Are you planning to continue it?
    A. First things first, to every person who tweeted/reviewed/PM'd me with that message - thank you. From the bottom of my black little empty heart, thank you. *hugs each of you* Oh, and yes, I'm continuing it. Have been since The Coldest Story Ever Told first got posted. It's rough and slow-going and definitely a work in progress, but it's more Alice/Liz and the gang for you (including a fair amount of Jasper's point of view). I do hope you'll like it. You don't object to it being multi-chapter, do you? ;)
I think that just about does it for the questions I've been asked (you know what to do if you have one I didn't answer), so let's move on to a quick status update, shall we?

Story Statuses:
  • I Have Seen the Rain - on hiatus due to writer's block *sniffle* (trust me, it pains me at least as much as it does you to see those words)
  • Go Ask Alice - on hiatus due to writer's block *tear* Damn I miss hearing Namsper's sexy voice in my head.
  • Words Left Unspoken - unless something unimaginable happens when he who inspired Unspokenward comes to visit next month, very much completed
  • The Coldest Story Ever Told - completed/sequel in the works
  • The Other Side of Me - completed/sequel in the works
  • Time After Time - completed... for now ;)
  • In Another Life - on hiatus, though that really doesn't mean anything to anyone other than K quite yet. lol
  • Resistance - writing in progress! Shocking, I know. Not gonna lie, I am really excited about this one. I think it's good. And it's something no one would really expect from me. Ain't that right, Robs? ;)
Soooo... I think that about does it. Unless one of you-all wants to offer to beta for me. Finished up an outtake I've been working on for a bit at work today and it'd be nice to post something and shut Molly - er, I mean, people in general - up for a bit. :P Just like last time, though, this beta job goes to Annabelle first, if she wants it. After all, it is her graduation present. (Can we call it your birthday present too, Annabelle? I'm so fail at finishing that Badmett thingy. lol)

All that said, got comments? You know what to do. In the meantime, deuces, bitches - I'm out.