Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Holy crap -- it's an update!

Short version:
I'm not dead (Injured, yes. But not dead.)... I'm just also not writing right now.

Long version:
'Ello, 'ello, 'ello, poppets. A reader (Insert M&M's "They do exist!" ad clip here) just reminded me that it's been three freaking years since I updated my first fic. Three. Years. Omigod. So much has happened in that time. I'm astonished, both that it's been that long and that it's only been that long. That feels like a lifetime ago. Probably because it really was. You don't even want to know. Seriously. You don't. And a lot of it I don't want to talk about. So we're just gonna not talk about that.

Anyway! In light of all the nonsense that's gone on with author (using that term very loosely) Shey Stahl, I'm jumping on the bandwagon and pulling all my stories from FFn using the sudden explosion of free time I have right now to get back into the game and try writing again. I've been out of the "fandom" for so long I don't even remember 85% of what I read, so no worries about me following suit, intentionally or otherwise. lol

So here's the deal: I'm going to reread what I've written and try to write more at least twice a week. I know that doesn't sound like much, but without going into detail, I have a lot of appointments to work around right now, and when I'm better and back to work, I'll be drop-dead tired again. (Professional prep cookery takes the oomph right out of you. lol) But you have my word I am going to try my damnedest at it again.

So... Any comments, words of wisdom, advice, motivational speeches? Feel free to comment. Wanna scream at me for it being so long? Eh, it's a free country, go ahead and comment. Wanna try to sell me something other than Girl Scout cookies or trick me into clicking some link that'll take me to god only knows where while you suck away all my info? Git gone. No love for you here.

All the rest of you... Thanks for sticking with me, or coming back, or just showing up. Whatever.

Much love,
